Hơn 13 năm kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực lập trình ứng dụng, đặc biệt là các công nghệ trên Mobile App. Hiện đang triển khai nhiều dự án hàm lượng chuyên môn cao cho các Doanh nghiệp ngành Banking và Technology


  • Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology
  • Good knowledge of Android SDK & OOP Java, data structures, algorithm design,multithreading programming and apply with SOLID.
  • Understand and manage applications lifecycle well.
  • Understand and apply AI model to mobile SDK(tensorfl ow, ml-kit …).
  • Create complex custom UI for native Android component.
  • Experience integrating Android apps with web services, REST APIs, payment with AWS,Google Wallet, Zalopay, Momo, Banking(Napas)…
  • Experience working with Facebook API, Google API.
  • Experience working with Google Services: Location, Map, Firebase Database.
  • Tracking app via Fabric, Google analytics, Mixpanel..
  • Have experience to develop multiple devices and screen sizes.
  • Have experience to work with media player, multimedia in android.
  • Build chat module via XMPP.
  • Knowledge of SQLite, MySQL, Realm or similar database management system.
  • Kotlin
  • CakePHP
  • Flutter


  • Build a SDK tools to support customers in integrating eKYC functions into applications.
  • Build tool to scan data user on Identity document (NFC, QR ..). Anti-hacking and fraud eKYC
  • Apply AI and AI models to build methods of recording biometric information of users.
  • Build and design functions in a cross-platform direction. Support customers in improving security and anti-hacking on identity applications.
  • Research user habits on applications with tracking event and through it build the functionality friendly for users (UX).
  • Build function to lock and unlock device with fingerprint biometric. Apply Elliptic Curve cryptography (ECDSA) and Elgamal (AES) for security data on device. Apply SQLCipher (with Room database) to encrypt and decrypt data money crypto on device.